Day 4th /of our 2 weeks sailing from Bahamas to Suriname
Just as soon as I sent yesterday’s update for the previous 24 hours to Kasia at 1400 so that she can post it before the night in Europe I broke my very front upper tooth We were playing with Julian and Kuba and Julian accidentaly kicked me in the face and there it went. We have an emergency tooth repair kit onboard and I tried gluing the tooth back temporarily in its place for the lack of dental care in a middle of the Sargasso Sea. It worked only for few hours. So I am looking forward to at least next few days with my front tooth dangling on a hinge of soft tissue. Look like I am gonna be on a diet .
In a meantime as we planned we are motoring straight East slightly faster than planned. That is very good, because the further we can make it to the East before the wind shows up again the easier it wil be for us to make it on one tack straight to Surinam once we turn South probably some time tomorrow. Funny thing is that the very forecast model ECMWF (yellow) that we relied upon to form this strategy of going Northeast before going Southeast is now the only one that shows to abandon it and the other three are supporting our plan. See the attached chart. White cross is our current position.
Things are very relaxed. The sea is virtually flat save for big long lazy waves that are barely noticable. Since sailing itself does not require much attention and we don’t have internet we finally have time for a lot of things we could not find time for for awhile. Last night we even had time and space for the very first time in a year or so to watch a movie together. We highly recommend “Birdman” with Michael Keaton. Ania is feeeling much better. One can tell by the menu. We just had first real dinner in 3 days. Awesome spaghetti with some curry. Yummy! She’s amazing in creating something so good in such a little time.
Yesterday I recreated a new slide for the mainsail track using the teflon rods instead of bearing balls. Thank you Jasiek Domanski for the rods . That should make even old part function virtually like new. Except this time I glued the rods into place. We will see soon as I will install it today and tomorrow some time we will turn South and start sailing according to the forecast that so far is turning out very accurate.